Sep 11, 2017

Bangor Fire retires its Gamewell Fire Alarm Box System

The Bangor Fire Department retired its log running Gamewell Fire Alarm box system and honors the 343 firefighters that lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
Category: Club News
Posted by: W1KMC-Kevin M. Carman

On Monday September 11, 2017 the Bangor Fire department retired it 134 year run of the Gamewell Fire Alarm box system by tapping out box 3-4-3 for the last time which was also to honor the 343 firefighters that lost their lives 16 years ago.

Members of the Pine State Amateur Radion Club in attendance were Andy Emery - N1AVE (BFD Firefighter - on Duty at the time), Debbie Ellis - K1DAE, Rob Andle - new member (working on his license), and Kevin Carman - W1KMC

The bangor Fire Departpent made a presentation before the final ringing of box 3-4-3. There is an 11:07 video that BFD shot which is on Facebook but placed here as well (I do not know who shot the video but the link to original is given below the video).

I did take a few pictures plus the Program which you can find in our Photos section (also posted below).

Source & Story -

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