Session on Nov 18 nets 6 new and one upgrade.
Saturday Nov 18 exam session nets 6 new hams (4 Tech/2General) and one upgraded to general. One of which was a YOUNG PERSON!. Click the more link to read on.
On Saturday November 18 at 9:00 am, we had a good turnout for our exam session, 7 total examinees (one was a youngster). All had passesd the test that they came to take (most first timers, 1 for upgrade) and some went on to take a second test (two passed those). Below is the table of Examinees and will show the call signs as soon as I get them.
Note to those on the list, once call sign shows up you need to go to the FCC website and register to print your new/upgraded license on the ULS system - just Click here to go there now. for new licensees, choose register (unless you already hold a different type license (GMRS comes to mind - in which case you should have a login) ) and follow the instructions. Upgraded licenses can be printed again with the current logon you have.
Name | Class Before | New Class | Call Sign |
Daigle, J. | (None) | General | KC1IPX |
Fairman, R. | (None) | General | KC1IPY |
Edmiston,-Cyr, L. | Technician | General | KC1FOD |
McCrea, P. | (None) | Technician | KC1IPZ |
Thomas, S. | (None) | Technician (our youngster) | KC1IQA |
Hicks, N. | (None) | Technician | KC1IQE |
Egolf, J. | (None) | Technician | KC1IQB |
Congratulations to all and welcome to the world's second most expensive hobby. :-) -- feel free to check in to our nets on Tuesdays at 8:00 pm - once you get your call sign of course.