The Pine State Amateur Radio Club has created the Worked All Maine Award in order to stimulate activity and call attention to the State of Maine. Any amateur who works all sixteen Maine counties is eligible to receive the award.
The rules are simple:
- No log entries will be accepted if dated prior to Jan. 1 1993.
- No earth repeaters or digipeaters may be used. Satellites are acceptable.
- Contacts may be on any band and mode.
It is not necessary to submit QSL cards. Any amateur can verify your log. The honor system will govern.
There is a $5.00 charge for the certificate. This covers the club's printing and mailing costs.
A contact check sheet can be obtained from the awards manager or printed from the files table below (the table and notes below will not print on paper). This sheet needs to be submitted to the awards manager when the required contacts have been made. If requested, it will be returned to you along with the certificate for any future use, such as band or mode endorsements which the club may offer.
Mail your log sheet and $5.00 to:
Pine State Amateur Radio Club
PO BOX 254
Carmel, ME 04419
Good luck and good hunting.
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